Global Accessibility Awareness Day is an annual event aimed to promote discussion and awareness surrounding digital access and inclusion. Digital accessibility is not as widely considered as it should be, and without it, we exclude a significant portion of the population from accessing essential services and information. Being digitally accessible enables us to progress towards a more inclusive society.

What Is AskSARA And How Does It Aid With Digital Accessibility?

AskSARA is Living Made Easy’s online self-assessment tool, offering rapid access to impartial information and advice based on individual needs. With suggestions for products and services, it enables people to stay living independently at home for longer. It has been designed to appear within a local authority’s website enabling them to provide their communities with solutions for daily living aids, assistive technology and signposting to services, to enhance the lives of disabled people and those living with health conditions.

AskSARA, as a tool, aids in supporting accessibility in all areas of life. Whether that be making the home more accessible, suggesting aids to help with communication and hearing, or equipment to make hobbies and leisure more accessible. Some of our local authorities even have an AskSARA room in one of their hubs to ensure it can be accessed by all. Allowing anyone within their communities to complete an AskSARA assessment. Even if they don’t have access to the internet at home, they can come into the centre, and a member of staff will go through the assessment with them. Find out more about Ceredigion Council’s AskSARA room.

“We understand the importance of digital accessibility in order to be inclusive. AskSARA would be pointless in offering options to make living independently more accessible, if it wasn’t digitally accessible too. AskSARA is Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 compliant and are very grateful that we have the Shaw Trust Accessibility team on hand to test this for us annually.”

Join Us For A Free GAAD Webinar

If you’d like to learn more about how to improve your digital accessibility, why not join the free webinar from Shaw Trust’s Accessibility services on Thursday 16 May 2024.

To register, please select the desired time slot by visiting the links below:

View a list of our current AskSARA licensees.