16 May is Global Accessibility Awareness Day, and we are celebrating all things accessibility!

Join our expert Accessibility Team for a 90 minute free webinar giving you an introduction to the human cost of digital exclusion.

Don’t miss this incredible free opportunity to expand your knowledge around accessibility and how you can improve it.

The need for digital accessibility

Digital accessibility improves customer experience and colleague productivity, it can benefit everyone in society, not just those with disabilities. Digital technologies continue to alter the world in which we live, and we are more connected than ever before. 

At Shaw Trust we want to shout about accessibility and make it something that everyone thinks about, putting it at the forefront of everyday life!

How To Book A Place On The Human Cost of Digital Exclusion Webinar

Our expert Accessibility Services team are running a free webinar on 16 May  in which we will be giving you an introduction to the impact of an inaccessible digital world, and how we can improve it.

Don’t miss this incredible free opportunity to expand your knowledge around accessibility and how you can make a difference.

We have two time slots available for this exciting event, to register please use the links below:

We look forward to seeing you there!