Our free website accessibility checker is a service that reveals your site’s basic level of accessibility. This service is designed to evaluate your web platform and provide feedback on how accessible it is.

Having your website’s accessibility checked is the perfect starting point when setting out to make your website more inclusive.

If you would like to improve the digital accessibility of your online service, regardless of ability, disability, age or impairment, then our free snapshot service can help to shape your strategy. The service includes a review of your website by technical experts. Their detailed analysis is presented in an accessible PDF with visual examples. An explanation of any accessibility errors is included.

The report can inform any development or design work that you wish to undertake to make your web platform more accessible. Both the assessment and the resulting report are provided free of charge. A feedback session is also available to help you understand the snapshot content and what to do next.

Shaw Trust Accessibility Services provides free website accessibility testing at no cost because supporting organisations in creating accessible environments is really important to us. In supporting you, we are supporting the development of a more inclusive world.

The accessibility checker can be provided for any website or digital service. Accessibility issues across all sectors of society, so every web platform can benefit from our well-established review process.

The snapshot accessibility checker can help you identify how accessible your current digital platforms are, the types of accessibility challenges that people face and the impact that a non-accessible web platform can have. Our goal is to provide you with the information that will enable you to make the right decisions when it comes to your online presence.

Please contact us for further details and to arrange your free accessibility checker.  Our team will be happy to support you as you progress along the journey of making your digital services more accessible.

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