
Technical Account Manager

Blynyddoedd gyda Shaw


Anabledd ynghyd ag ychydig o gefndir

I do not consider myself to have a disability, but my father has been blind all of my life

Gwaith neu gefndir blaenorol

I have lectured IT at University and College and taught adult learners too.

Pam ydych chi'n falch o fod yn rhan o'r Tîm Hygyrchedd?

I believe we can change the way companies view their target audience and increase the availability of information.

Pam mae hygyrchedd yn cyfrif?

Accessing information should be a matter of free choice, not something that is imposed on an individual by a company who doesn’t make their content accessible.

Sut bydd cleientiaid yn elwa o'ch cyfraniad?

Clients understand the considerations they need to make to enable access by their customers.